Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we are. For more details about delivery location, see here.

Yes of course! Simply select your desired delivery date at the checkout and leave the rest to us. Our friendly and reliable delivery team will keep track of your order so it arrives on time.

Yes, you most certainly can. At the check out you will be able to add a personalized message (up to 250 characters) to go alongside your order. The message will be printed as written on our gorgeous complimentary Flowers for Everyone message cards. Alternatively you can purchase an occasion-specific gift card with any order.

Absolutely. This can be done via the edit link on your confirmation text message.

When you place an order with us, you will receive a confirmation/tax invoice to the provided email address, along with a confirmation text message if a mobile number was provided.

Provided your order is not already sent for dispatch or onboard with our courier, we are happy to make any necessary changes to your order where possible. This includes changes of address, delivery instructions, card messages, flowers or gift items, provided your order is not already on board with our couriers or has been delivered. St Albans Flower Market recommend contacting our Hotline on +61 432 047 945 as soon as possible.

We work with Mother Nature on a daily basis. Our florists aim to include as many tight buds as possible (such as lilies, sunflowers and tulips) to ensure maximum longevity. Often our pictured bouquet is an indication of what your gift will look like as the blooms open. If you require an arrangement with lots of open blooms (eg. for a presentation), please get in touch with our Customer Care Team or note in our Special Delivery Instruction box. During cooler months we may need advance notice to allow time for buds to open.

On the occasion when a specific flower or foliage is not available on the day of your delivery, our designers will substitute with something equally gorgeous, to the same or greater value. We always strive to ensure your gift still has the same look and feel. If you are ordering an arrangement for a very specific flower and wish to ensure it will be available, please contact our Hotline for advice on +61 432 047 945.

St Albans Flower Market strive to accommodate each and every one of our customer’s needs. We would love to help you create a perfect and memorable gift for that special someone.

If you wish to customise your order, give our friendly floral consultants a call on +61 432 047 945. The Customer Care Team are more than happy to guide you through what is currently in season and organise a unique design based on your budget and personal preferences.

St Albans Flower Market delivers from Monday to Saturday. Please see our Flower delivery information page for full details.

Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel orders that are already prepared or out for delivery. Cancellations received less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled delivery date will incur a fee of 50% of the total order value. Early cancellations made before our 24 hour cancellation period will incur a $15 administration fee. For more information on cancellations, see here.